2024 SMC Alumni Association Scholarships Announced

The SMC Alumni Association in partnership with St. Mary's College would like to announce the 2024 SMC Alumni Association Scholarship award winners.  We would like to thank all students who applied for the scholarships and wish them well in their future endeavors.  Please review a brief statement from each award winner below, they include:

"Harvey Barsanti Scholarship" Award(s)

Tori Carbone - I have chosen to attend Algoma University for post-secondary education in Business Administration. My goals in Algoma University include, but are not limited to, obtaining knowledge in organizing a business, striving to achieve my goal of becoming bilingual and exercising teamwork through varsity athletics. In the business sector of my course, I will have the opportunity to gain knowledge in marketing, ethics, finance and accounting.

These courses will provide me with new learning that I can then utilize as I enter theworkforce in entrepreneurship or working for a business. As I continue with my French learning, I will strive to achieve my goal of becoming fully bilingual. Being bilingual will allow me to open myself up to more opportunities within my career path. Playing soccer at a varsity level will allow me to practice teamwork and communication skills. It will teach me discipline along with leadership skills in a team environment. Playing at this level of sport will also assist me in learning many life skills as in, balance, time management, stress relief/management and hard-work. I can take these skills with me as I begin working.

I will attend Algoma University in my hometown and continue to represent my city through my university education and varsity soccer.


"Carmen Provenzano Leadership" Award(s)

Lindsey Sarlo - After my post secondary education I hope to take all of the lessons I have learned, both inside and outside of school, and apply them to a fulfilling job that works towards aiding others. I have chosen to study Environmental Studies with a Certificate in Law at Queen’s University
because it will help me to understand the effects of our actions as a population.

With the knowledge I hope to gain from this field of study, I plan to become a lawyer who defends those who have suffered due to the negative impacts of large corporations. I have been very fortunate to be raised in a place where there is clean drinking water, fresh air and forests surrounding me; however, many people are not as lucky. There are many large corporations that pollute their surroundings and many people are negatively affected by these actions. I have been so blessed to be able to experience nature while growing up, and I hope to be able to share that beauty with as many people as I can.

Climate change is a large part of our lives that often goes ignored. There
are so many people that are affected by pollution, yet, so many people choose to be willfully ignorant. I have chosen to study this field because it is actively expanding, and it allows me to continue to follow my passion of helping others.

Ryan Posteraro
- In terms of post-secondary education, I have made the decision to attend Western University to take their Management and Organizational Studies program. I plan to achieve my undergraduate
degree in Accounting, which will be one of the final stepping stones towards becoming a CPA (Certified Public Accountant).

My reasoning behind why I chose this program specifically is because of my natural strengths and interests. I’ve always had an interest in mathematics
growing up, as it always somehow came naturally to me. I consistently excelled in my math courses, which eventually led me to take business courses all throughout high school.

Accounting specifically, was what I quickly fell in love with. Accounting helped me to utilize my math, and problem solving skills together, to learn how to properly calculate and manage the funds of a business. Through the opportunities SMC has given me, I was able to take two separate accounting classes in both my grade 11 and 12 year. On top of this, I also had the
pleasure of taking a general business class, and a marketing class, to further expand my knowledge of the different branches of business. Through my accounting classes, I have learned how to properly prepare and organize financial statements, learn what are smart purchases for businesses around the world to make, and how to effectively operate a business to maximize
one’s income. It is with all of this being said that I have chosen to pursue the Management and Organizational Studies program at Western university in the fall, as I believe this will propel me towards what I wish to achieve in the future.


"Rudy Duschek Scholarship" Award(s) founded by Rudy Duschek

Maliah DeZordo - One of my primary interests lies in the field of fire service. During the summer, before starting my senior year in high school, I took the initiative to explore this career choice. I applied and was granted acceptance, as a non-resident of the host community, to Camp Molly, one of 5 camps offered throughout the province.

This all-girls training camp held in Sudbury, Ontario provided the opportunity for young women to meet and engage with strong female role models in fire services. I learned the importance and duties of what it takes to become a firefighter, such as; fire suppression, auto extrication, fire prevention, investigations, the basics of CPR and using AED, how to stabilize a patient and prepare them for transport, forcible entry, and fire fighting survival. I learned how to work as a team, advance a hose line into a smoked-out structure, and learned about delivering public education messaging. I have gained so much confidence from this camp.

This experience provided me with valuable insights into the challenges and responsibilities of firefighters, helping me to confirm my desire to pursue this profession. I have always wanted to pursue a job that helps people but is also hands on and that I enjoy doing. My uncle is a firefighter and I have always looked up to him. With a career in Fire Services I am able to help the world by also being active and loving my job. In addition to Camp Molly, I have currently been involved in a co-op placement at the Sault Ste. Marie Fire Department this semester. I am at the Fire Station Monday to Friday from 8:30-11:30am.

Throughout my time in my co-op placement, I have learnt many employability skills, decision making skills, initiative, leadership, teamwork, reliability, planning, and observation skills. Being in this work environment everyday and being able to see firefighters in their element has been the best experience ever. Being in a co-op at the fire station is like getting a sneak peek behind the scenes.  I get to see what it's really like on the front lines, learning from people who have been there for many years. It's a hands-on experience that you can't get from a textbook.  I have only been doing my placement for a few months and everyone already feels like family. Every single day when I wake up I am so excited to get up and go to co-op.

Choosing to become a firefighter is about more than just a job; it's a calling. It's that sense of wanting to be there for your community when things get tough, to help people on their worst days. Going to school for firefighting isn't just about learning the basics; it's about getting the skills and knowledge you need to handle any situation that comes your way, and I am ready to take on that challenge. At the end of the day, me choosing to go to school for firefighting is about following my heart and wanting to make a difference. It's about being a part of something bigger than myself and being there for my community when they will need me the most.


"SMC Alumni" Award(s) in Honour of Wishart Law Firm

Alecia Atwell - I have always felt drawn to expressing my creativity. That is why I have decided to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at the University of Windsor. I find excitement when presented with a challenge, and I thrive in situations where I am able to express myself. While some may perceive business as a rigid and structured field, I view it as a chance to unleash my innovative ideas.

One of my favorite experiences in high school was participating in Yearbook class, where I discovered my passion for designing and storytelling through visuals.  Collaborating with peers to create an engaging and memorable yearbook allowed me to experiment with layouts, colors, and themes while honing my creative skills and attention to detail.

Currently, I am an employee of REGEN Natural Resources, where I am responsible for managing monthly invoices and designing their website. As I plan to specialize in marketing and entrepreneurship in the future, I am confident that my ability to think outside the box will bring fresh perspectives to conventional methods. Overall, I am eager to explore this opportunity in business while creatively expressing myself in the professional world.

Sydney Drover
- Education has always played a major role in my life. Learning new things, involving myself in given opportunities, and exploring wherever I can is something that has always been a part of who I am. Moving forward in my education, I am very passionate about continuously growing in the field of science, specifically biomedical.

I have set goals for myself to become an optometrist, not only due to my very large interest in this profession and education, but also because of my desire to help others. From a young age, vision science has always been something I desired to learn more of. Both my love for new knowledge, and for helping others fuels my passion in moving forward in this education.

Owen Middleton
-As I move on to my post-secondary education, I plan to pursue my Bachelor of Music degree at Carleton University. I have been a musician for almost twelve years, beginning my journey with classical guitar, and expanding my horizons over the years to pursue additional instruments such as the saxophone, jazz guitar, and piano. With saying this, music has always
been a prominent part of my life, and it has been my dream since I was younger to pursue a career in that field.

As I am pursuing my Bachelor of Music degree, I hope to take interest in many more instruments, fine-tune my theory and repertoire knowledge, and connect with other like-minded individuals in my program. After I achieve my Bachelor of Music degree, I plan on attending one of the many esteemed teacher’s colleges in Ontario in hopes that I can achieve a

Bachelor of Education degree. I hope to one day become a high school music teacher, and eventually a post-secondary educator in music, as well as other areas. With the qualities that I have going into my post-secondary education in music, and the skills that I am hopeful of developing, I feel that I can achieve the goals that I have set for myself and continue to grow as an individual.


"Basilian" Award(s) in Honour of the Basilian Fathers

Dana Germanili - Upon graduating in 2024, I am attending Western University for my post-secondary education. I am enrolled in the Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies program, where I will further my education in financial management.

One of the primary factors influencing my decision to attend Western University, is the esteemed reputation as one of Canada’s best business programs. Western provides me with the opportunity to immerse myself in this dynamic field, as it is one of the larger programs the school offers. I love math and numbers, and during my first year, I am looking forward to exploring a diverse selection of courses, spanning from business sectors including finance, economics, accounting and resource management.

This generalized first year will allow me to differentiate and explore various career paths, as well as understand my professional and academic interests.
Moreover, Western’s exceptional internship program is something that stood out from all the other Ontario universities. The university has extensive connections to many central banks and major corporations, which promise possible future prospects. I am enrolled in the internship program, where I will further enhance my educational experience by receiving invaluable
hands-on experience in a professional setting.

This could be at an accounting firm or bank. In high school I was fortunate to do a co-op placement at a local accounting firm, where I benefited greatly from real-world experience. This included not only learning how to complete accounting tasks, but interact professionally with clients, properly meet deadlines, and uphold expectations set by my employer.

I am looking forward to the upcoming academic challenge ahead and expanding my knowledge at the university level.

Ella Martone
- Along with many other high school students, I have frequently changed the field I wanted to pursue in my post-secondary education. In attempting to be a well-rounded student, I lost focus on what I truly enjoyed and experienced difficulty deciphering the subject area I was most drawn to. However, this year I decided to enter an honours degree in Criminology and
Socio-legal Studies at the University of Toronto.

While I was growing up, I enjoyed watching TV shows and movies centred around investigations and solving crimes. Then, throughout my studies, I developed a defined enthusiasm for problem-solving and working through various challenges. Furthermore, I discovered my curiosity about psychology and human behaviour after taking an Introduction to Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology course last year. Between my fondness for subjects related to law enforcement and these two revelations, I realized that a career in criminology
would allow me to combine my interests.

Additionally, the field of criminology is new to society and consistently changing due to the unpredictability of humans and their motivations. This career would cater to my continuation as a lifelong learner due to its broad and complex spectrum of components. I will be able to understand more about society and be a part of new discoveries regarding crime and human behaviour.

Lastly, this area of study makes me optimistic about my odds of obtaining a future job. Due to the variety and constant developments within this career, there will be many opportunities catering to the different elements of criminology. Therefore, I am confident in my potential to attain a stable income and source of enjoyment in the future.

Mikayla Kresek
- If you said 3 years ago that I would be going to school for Honors of bachelor science-Nursing would say you are crazy, Until I got diagnosed with Non-hodgkin's B cell lymphoma in my grade 10 year of high school.

I moved my whole life to Toronto to be treated at Sick Kids hospital for 7 months.  My whole view on the healthcare system and my respect for nurses will never be the same again. It was a very easy decision for me to go into Nursing, I have passion like no other and I want to be able to help others like my nurses helped me. I want to be someone who can be there for them if they have no family. I want to bring light to peoples' worlds while they are in hospitals in life threatening positions.

In September of 2024-2025 school year I will be attending Sault College and taking the Bachelor of science Nursing (RN) program. My hopes and desires
are becoming true. I am filled with joy. The nurses in my life I will forever be grateful for, they got me through the hardest time in my life and I want to be that person to others.